Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's a girl!!!

So Friday morning Jeff and I went to get the ULTRASOUND. I was so nervous about it. It's not that I did not want a boy, but there is something about wanting a daughter, when all you have are boys. We tried to let the specialist know that we thought it would be a boy, based on the fact that Jeff only has brothers(4) and there are only grandsons(5) on his side of the family. As she asked for a drum-roll I felt myself trying to prepare for It's a boy-but she said It's a GIRL.

All I could say was REALLY? I was in disbelief. Jeff seemed quite surprised too. She showed us on the screen and we went over and over it because I think she could sense our hesitation in accepting that we might actually be having a girl. The specialist stated that the shot was pretty clear, her legs were straight out, nothing was blocking the area like if her legs had been crossed or her hands were down. Luckily our beautiful baby turned over by the end of the ulstrasound and we were able to get another shot from behind as to whether it was a boy or a girl. I am praying that the specialist made the right call. She told us that people would try to convince us that it would still be a boy, and she was right. Before the night was over we started hearing stories about people that thought they were having a boy and then it was a girl, and vice versa. I don't care-what a great surprise and story that will be if this beautiful child does turn out to be a boy. Atleast I get to dream for 4 1/2 more months.


Unknown said...

"A dream is a wish your heart makes." I am so excited for you sis. Everything will be great how ever it will turn out. You will have a piece of you and Jeff. What a miracle, being a girl will just be extra wonderful. Love you!

Sandy N said...

Hey Maria how are you? I found you through Tara's blog. You look so good in your pics! Cant even tell that you have had anybaby's let alone that you are expecting a third....
Congrats on your girl!
Love Ya