Thanks Tara for tagging me-I usually don't keep up with these things. I thought this one was cute though so here goes.
8 Favorite TV shows-in no particular order
*Law and Order-SVU
*Tyra Banks talk show
*Lipstick Jungle
*Worst Week
*Grey's Anatomy
*Desperate Housewives
8 Things I did Yesterday
*Had a presidency meeting for Relief Society
*Worked on session notes for work-turned them in
*Picked up Trae from school
*Made lunch
*Cleaned house
*Met Jeff across town-dropped off kids so I could go to work
*Made dinner
*Had family home evening
8 Favorite Restaurants
*Mandarin House
*Pizza Hut
*Can't think of anymore
8 Things I am looking forward to
*Christmas lights
*birth of our baby girl
*Tara's wedding
*Sharen and Memo to start their family
*Jeff getting a steady paycheck
*Miguel getting potty trained
*Christmas music
*Christmas Spirit
8 Things on my wish list
*healthy baby
*less contention amongst my kids
*For Sharen to get pregnant (when ready)
*For my boys to understand meaning of Christmas
*Less suffering
*No more broken bones in my family.
*Read a good book
*Take a bubble bath without interruptions
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dancing with the Stars
For the past 28 weeks, I have seen my body change little by little as this pregnancy has been progressing, but it seems like in the last 3-4 weeks I have gotten really big. And that's okay- I am pregnant, but it is still hard to handle that when you have struggled with weight since puberty. Prior to getting pregnant I worked really hard, joined a gym, went for walks with the boys and actually felt good about the way I looked.
Well, I have been feeling sorry for myself and battling that inner voice that says I am just not good enough and not as beautiful as all the women around me. It probably didn't help that as I turned on the T.V. last night Dancing with the Stars was on showcasing beautiful women. Well, we only watched for a few minutes, but my sweet Traeton managed to make all my negative thoughts disappear as he said, "Mom, you should dance on that show." I love my beautiful boys and their personalities. He then said, "You might need to practice a little bit though." I told him I would love to take a dance class after this baby comes and he said I should. Jeff and I just laughed, but it is funny how that quick comment made me feel so beautiful.
Well, I have been feeling sorry for myself and battling that inner voice that says I am just not good enough and not as beautiful as all the women around me. It probably didn't help that as I turned on the T.V. last night Dancing with the Stars was on showcasing beautiful women. Well, we only watched for a few minutes, but my sweet Traeton managed to make all my negative thoughts disappear as he said, "Mom, you should dance on that show." I love my beautiful boys and their personalities. He then said, "You might need to practice a little bit though." I told him I would love to take a dance class after this baby comes and he said I should. Jeff and I just laughed, but it is funny how that quick comment made me feel so beautiful.
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's a beautiful day!
I just want to tell you all about my wonderful weekend. I didn't get to go on a shopping spree or anything, but we did get to spend the whole day together as a family. Saturday morning I got up and decided it was finally time to get the stairway painting project completed. We started painting the stairs @ March and still it was not done. Just as I was getting everything out Jeff came home. I thought he had left to go to work, but he took the day off and went out to get some Christmas ideas. He helped me tape and prep the stairs and then I painted while he went out with the boys and raked leaves. It was nice to be working around the house together. Then we all got ready and went out to COSTCO. This was our first time since the new warehouse opened here in Pocatello and it was so much fun. We didn't even buy anything, except a slice of pizza and some ice cream, but it was the best couple of hours I could have spent. Traeton and Miguel loved looking all over the store-going up and down every isle. I thought it was going to be a nightmare, but it went surprisingly well. The sampling was fun and seeing the kids all excited was the best part.
It probably doesn't seem like much to some people, but for us to be able to spend the whole day together was quite uncommon. Our lives seem so busy and rarely do we get a moment of peace together. The boys are both at great stages and it is fun to see their development and desire to learn more about everything around them. I can't say that I want to go to Costco every Saturday, but it sure made for a cheap family activity.
It probably doesn't seem like much to some people, but for us to be able to spend the whole day together was quite uncommon. Our lives seem so busy and rarely do we get a moment of peace together. The boys are both at great stages and it is fun to see their development and desire to learn more about everything around them. I can't say that I want to go to Costco every Saturday, but it sure made for a cheap family activity.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Boise trip
We had a great weekend! We have been promising Trae that we would take a trip before the baby gets her and with the holidays coming up, we knew we needed to get it out of the way so we packed our bags and headed to see Sharen and Memo. It was a quick trip, but it was fun. The boys always have a good time with Sharen and Memo-the minute we get there Traeton just gets so excited, almost uncontrollable. Sorry Memo. But really we all have a great time and don't ever have enough time.
I had to get a picture of this pretty girl sitting on the rocks. I am so envious of her long, healthy hair. Sharen you are so beautiful-Thanks for working so hard to make our weekend nice. It really meant a lot to us. The boys love to visit and I know they won't ever forget the ducks and geese, we may have to feed them on every trip from now on. We love you and Memo and are so grateful for your patience and willingness to help out with the boys.
Saturday night we had a pizza/pool party with Sharen, Memo, Jared, Tiffany and their boys Andrew and Kyle. It was fun to have them all there and the mess stayed at the hotel, not my house. We also got to hear the boys Primary program on Sunday and that was so fun to be there with them. Thanks Jared and Tiffany for the fantastic lunch and for making it work on such short notice. You guys are amazing and we really admire all that you do as a family.
I had to get a picture of this pretty girl sitting on the rocks. I am so envious of her long, healthy hair. Sharen you are so beautiful-Thanks for working so hard to make our weekend nice. It really meant a lot to us. The boys love to visit and I know they won't ever forget the ducks and geese, we may have to feed them on every trip from now on. We love you and Memo and are so grateful for your patience and willingness to help out with the boys.
Saturday night we had a pizza/pool party with Sharen, Memo, Jared, Tiffany and their boys Andrew and Kyle. It was fun to have them all there and the mess stayed at the hotel, not my house. We also got to hear the boys Primary program on Sunday and that was so fun to be there with them. Thanks Jared and Tiffany for the fantastic lunch and for making it work on such short notice. You guys are amazing and we really admire all that you do as a family.
Friday, November 7, 2008
How cute
So I went to go downstairs to check on Miguel this afternoon and Trae told me that he is sleeping. I arrived in the toy room to see this beautiful load of laundry. How cute is that. Apparently, Miguel likes to use the laundry basket and a pillow as his chair. He just curled up and fell right to sleep. I love moments like this.
We need a name...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Down on my Luck
So, everyday as I am driving to work I pass by this one corner and there is always a homeless person standing there with some sign that says Please Help. I know I should be more Christlike, but it is starting to get to me. There is this one guy that is there probably 4-5 times a week and he has been around for @ 3 months. His sign says "Down on my luck". The other day he was looking at me while I was stopped waiting for traffic to clear and I just about rolled down the window-not to give him money, but to yell at him. I wanted to tell him it has nothing to do with luck. 4 days a week I pack up my kids, I drive across town so my sisters can watch them and I go to work. Do I want to do it? Is it always easy or enjoyable to work and keep up with the demands of life and family? No, but Jeff and I are not where we are because of luck. We are making it work, because we struggle and we work real hard to provide for our family. I don't believe that people end up where they are because of chance or fate. We all make choices.
Granted, I know hard times come and we don't always choose the bad things that happen to us, but we have the right to choose how to respond to them. You either let life take over or you take control of your life. Jeff was laid off from his job last week. That is two lay offs in less than one year. I had my moment-self pity, and all that comes with that. The fears about the future, the holidays, the bills, the upcoming baby and loss of health insurance. The list goes on and on and I struggled with the reasoning of why this would happen to us again. But, I am thankful for a husband that knows how to pray, ask for help, pick himself up, get a job and get to work. I am one of those that wants to wallow for a little while. I get angry and confused. Two days after the lay off I had to teach a lesson in Relief Society about being Thankful on a daily basis. It was that lesson that helped me see that I am so blessed. I have what I need and my faith is strong that we will get through this. I know that the Lord is looking out for us, he cares and I can feel his love for me. I don't understand or know how things will end up, but we will be okay-I am sure of that.
Granted, I know hard times come and we don't always choose the bad things that happen to us, but we have the right to choose how to respond to them. You either let life take over or you take control of your life. Jeff was laid off from his job last week. That is two lay offs in less than one year. I had my moment-self pity, and all that comes with that. The fears about the future, the holidays, the bills, the upcoming baby and loss of health insurance. The list goes on and on and I struggled with the reasoning of why this would happen to us again. But, I am thankful for a husband that knows how to pray, ask for help, pick himself up, get a job and get to work. I am one of those that wants to wallow for a little while. I get angry and confused. Two days after the lay off I had to teach a lesson in Relief Society about being Thankful on a daily basis. It was that lesson that helped me see that I am so blessed. I have what I need and my faith is strong that we will get through this. I know that the Lord is looking out for us, he cares and I can feel his love for me. I don't understand or know how things will end up, but we will be okay-I am sure of that.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween!
The kids had a great time going to the church for Trunk or Treat and then we went and saw some family members. It was a nice night, not too cold-really nice for the kids to be out trick or treating. Jeff even got in on the action as the Headless Horseman- I will try to post a picture of him a little later. He rode his black horse and everything. It was quite the sight.
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