So I am now 6 months pregnant (25 1/2 weeks) and we are at a loss for a name for this baby. I have looked over every baby name website on the internet and nothing is really standing out to me. I think I like something and then a few days later I just don't like the way it sounds anymore. We would love some suggestions if you have any. There are a few that I like- Marissa, Madeline, Veronica,Cora, Caroline, Carmen and Brylee. Jeff likes Brylee, but I don't know if I am fond of it or not. Trae likes Sally-isn't he so cute. Really we are not leaning for any one name yet, so if you have heard of any pretty girl names let me know.
I have heard of a great one..SHAREN!! haha
Here, how about Olivia Sharen Keller,
or Sharen Brylee Keller or just Sharen Keller, which ever is good with me!!!
We thought about naming Lindsay Tayva.... I really liked it at first and then it didnt feel right after a few weeks. I also like Lily, but it might not work for you because you have a sister named Lily... And I like Lucy and Olivia... Oh I could go on and on...
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