Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camping...what fun it is

Due to the Rainy season we have been having, we finally made it out for a camping trip. Jeff just wanted to get his tent set up for Father's Day, so we headed out despite the weather. It still ended up raining on us, but we all had fun regardless. Traeton wasn't feeling very well and Callie got sprayed by a skunk, but it was nice to get out of the house. The highlight for me was getting to go on a walk with my family. There was even a moment when I looked around and felt complete peace. Those moments have been few and far between lately. I love when my thoughts are clear and all around me is quiet. It was so green and smelled so clean. I love that just rained smell. Hopefully it will be the start of a great Summer for us.


The fun part-unloading


Traeton's up to something


Miguel loves to be with his Dog Callie

Maleena did pretty good for her first time out-what a trooper!
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I love having the boys, but it sure is fun to have another girl in the house. Isn't she getting to be so cute? Traeton even said that if she wasn't his sister he would want to marry her someday because she is the prettiest girl he has ever seen. I would have to agree.

Friday, June 5, 2009

tender mercy

My Father in law sent me this note from Elder Ronald Hammond that he had received after telling him of our situation with Traeton. My Father in law is a Stake President and communicates about the needs of his stake on a weekly basis and occasionally, the personal needs of those in his family.

Though this has been a very emotional time for our family, I am learning more about my faith, my strength and the power of the priesthood. You see, when I was watching Traeton struggle to raise his arm or walk without falling over, I looked to Jeff for a miracle. I whispered "Do something." Jeff immediately sat Trae down right where we were and layed his hands on his head to give him a blessing. In those moments I recall praying so fervently. We did not know what was going on or that Trae had had a stroke, but I knew the Lord could help him. I will be forever grateful that Jeff is a worthy priesthood holder. That he loves the Lord and is able to bless our family in times of need. He has been a tower of strength to me time after time. I am thankful for the example he is to our children, especially the boys. I wanted to share this experience more for myself than for anyone else, only because I do not want to forget the things the Lord has done for me. I know that the effects of a stroke can be devastating. I see Traeton as a miracle-blessed by our Heavenly Father who was looking out for him. It is humbling to read this note from Elder Hammond since we had not told anyone of that first, immediate blessing, nor have I shared how I felt during that time. I felt the power of the priesthood. There are no coincidences. So please read on and feel of Elder Hammond's love as he shares his insights about my families struggle.

Dear President and Sister Keller,

I shared with Sister Hammond the tender account of your grandson's miraculous recovery. It touched both of us deeply. Some might call it a "stroke of luck," but all who really understand know it to be a "stroke of mercy." How merciful is our God! How loving and infinitely mindful of His children is He, all the way down to the details of their lives.

It occurred to me that, since faith builds upon itself, your son's time unemployed had more to do with your grandson's recovery than many people may realize. As your unemployed son and his wife prayed for work, searched for work, and trusted in the Lord's love and power to help them - their faith in Him grew. They kept trying, kept believing, and their faith kept growing and was eventually confirmed when he found work.

Then...when the crisis hit with their little boy, their towering faith was sufficient to meet the demands of the moment and call forth a miracle. How often do today's seeming "set backs" prepare us for tomorrow's trials! "All these things (you are suffering today) shall be for thy good (tomorrow)" (D&C 122:7). Again, I say, "how merciful is our God" for He knoweth all things and He prepareth His children for tomorrow's trials by strengthening their faith through today's opposition.

Elder Ronald Hammond

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been two weeks.

It is hard to believe that it has been two weeks since Trae's stroke. He is back to his old self, with a few more stories to add to his tale of adventure. He really is remarkable. I know every mom says that about her kids, but Trae is special in so many ways. We are grateful that he is here with us and that he is doing so well.

This picture shows Trae while at Primary Children's Hospital-he had to wear the brace until they made sure he did not have any brain stem/ spinal cord injuries. He hated it, but patiently waited for the ok to take it off.

This is Trae waiting for us to get ready to go home. He was tired of the hospital, but loved being able to order whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

Traeton turned six on the 1st. It feels like he was just a baby. Time really does go quick.

Though we didn't get him this box for his birthday, we probably should have. Sometimes I think the kids have more fun with the packaging, than they do with the toys.
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