Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camping...what fun it is

Due to the Rainy season we have been having, we finally made it out for a camping trip. Jeff just wanted to get his tent set up for Father's Day, so we headed out despite the weather. It still ended up raining on us, but we all had fun regardless. Traeton wasn't feeling very well and Callie got sprayed by a skunk, but it was nice to get out of the house. The highlight for me was getting to go on a walk with my family. There was even a moment when I looked around and felt complete peace. Those moments have been few and far between lately. I love when my thoughts are clear and all around me is quiet. It was so green and smelled so clean. I love that just rained smell. Hopefully it will be the start of a great Summer for us.


The fun part-unloading


Traeton's up to something


Miguel loves to be with his Dog Callie

Maleena did pretty good for her first time out-what a trooper!
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