Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beauty and Basketball

Our little Maleena will be two in a few months. She has grown to be so sweet. Such a great personality. She has spunk and I am so proud of that. She likes to put her brothers in their place and she really doesn't let them get away with much. I have loved having the boys and now a girl. It is so fun to see their differences and I do believe that they are different. Maleena looks in the mirror when I am done fixing her hair and tells me whether she likes it or not. She usually says, "Don't like it!" Where did she learn to be so strong willed? It is something I love and will probably hate at the same time. I consider myself so blessed to have the children that I have. They are not perfect, but neither am I. Traeton is old enough to tell me just that on occassion. I will admit that it is not easy to be a parent. I am trying to raise them to be honest, considerate and caring. They are teaching me so much more. I look at my kids and am in awe of their different strengths. I pray that I can be the mom that they need.

Okay, so this is a bit extreme for a one year old, but it looked so cute. The curlers didn't last, but they were fun for a minute.


Traeton is loving Basketball. He is getting better and better. I am proud of how far he has come. Almost undetectable that he has had a stroke. I took him to a different doctor than his normal a few weeks ago and the Doctor almost didn't believe that he actually did have one. He is a miracle to me. I know where he was at a year and a half ago- I will never forget what a stroke on a 5 year old looks like. I thank my Heavenly Father often for the blessing of all of our health, but especially for Traeton's miraculous recovery. The ability of his brain to rewire itself is not a simple task and I know Heavenly Father played a part in that. Some may think it is all science, but we know otherwise and I am grateful for that knowledge.


Miguel is in preschool now and loving it. He will be 5 years old in January and it seems like yesterday that he was just a baby. He is so excited to go to school with Trae and I will be forever nervous about him going to kindergarten. He is quieter than Trae, but he speaks up when it matters. I love all my kids. They are unique and different in so many ways. Sometimes it is difficult to navigate their strong personalities, but I am so proud to be their mother. I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

So, Traeton-Miguel-and Maleena, I love you with all of me. All together you make up so much sunshine in my life. My day is brighter because I get to witness your growth. Please know that I will always love you!!
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