Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yesterday we were able to go to a couple of football games for some of our family members. Good job Sean, Taron and Kaeleb!! It was fun to be outside enjoying the fresh air. I also love to watch football. Have ever since my brothers played in junior high and high school. I don't appreciate the games played on T.V., but I love sitting on the sidelines.

Miguel had a good time playing with his Uncle Sean and cousin Dreyson. Gotta love our kids!


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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to school again

Can't believe how quick the summer went. Traeton is now in the first grade and you know what that means. All day of school!! I am not sure it is such a good thing that I feel so glad to have him out of my hair for all that time. No, just kidding- I sat at home today and just kept thinking about him and what he might be doing at that particular time. I am so proud of him. He seems to be doing great. Other than getting tired from his brain working so hard all the time, I don't see too many side effects from the stroke. There are little things here and there, like difficulty riding his bike or crossing the monkey bars when those things were easy for him before. He always gave a 110% and that hasn't changed. So far he says that school is okay, but he really isn't learning anything new. (his words) We keep telling him that is why he has to keep going, because one of these days they will teach him. He is growing up too fast, as are all of my children. Maleena is 6 months now and I am loving her new discoveries. I am trying to capture all the magic with her. It seems like I was so busy when the boys were little. I am still busy, but something is different-maybe it is because she is a girl and I don't want to miss a thing. I don't know. Miguel is becoming quite the storyteller, but usually only Trae and I can understand him. He is getting better though-Dad is picking up on a few things here and there. We love him despite the fact that it seems he has only two levels. Quiet as a mouse or screaming as loud as he can. I often have to remind myself that he is only three. Jeff is off driving for Swift Trucking and is gone for two weeks at a time. We miss him terribly, but cherish the moments when he is home. I know it is only getting harder for him to be away from us as the kids get bigger and we are working on figuring out another way. Jeff might be starting school in the near future himself. There is one thing for sure in our house and that is that we are always changing things around. Not by choice, most of the time. A little stability would be nice, but things are good and we are all healthy. Anyway, back to Trae and the first grade. He sure looks all grown up to me.



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Friday, August 14, 2009

It won't be like this for long

I have been listening to Darius Rucker and his song about how our kids grow up so quickly and how it won't be like this for long. My kids are still small, but I am amazed and almost saddened at how fast the time goes. With one of my sisters being newly pregnant and the other one just having had a baby, I can't help but think about how the last year has gone for me. Maleena is 6 months, Miguel is 3 and Trae is 6 yrs. old. It seems like I was just bringing Trae home from the hospital and struggling to figure out this phenomenon that is motherhood. I never would have predicted how glorious it would be, and how hard. There are days I wonder what I have gotten myself into,but those days seem to always be followed by a quick smile or hug from one of my kids and I am reassured as to why I became a mom. It is the greatest thing on Earth and I am excited for my sis Sharen and for my sister Tara as she is gearing up for another baby in her home. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the good as we get through the bad.

Just saying hello

We just wanted to say that we are doing good. It has been a while, but we are hanging in there. Sharen and Memo had their beautiful boy Jaxon a week ago. He is, as my boys like to say, "so cutie". It was a long labor for Sharen, but in the end what a blessing she has to hold in her arms. I am so proud of her and how great a mother she already is. Love you Shar!!
Here are a couple of pics of my little baby. Maleena is growing up way too fast. Even when she fusses she is still adorable though. We are all loving our girl!



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