Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year. 2010 was a great year for our little family. I am happy to say that we made it through free of any emergency room visits. We are contemplating a surgery for Traeton this year with the hope of freeing him of his adenoids and allowing him to breathe a bit easier. Waiting to hear if the specialist in Salt Lake feels the risks of stopping his aspirin regimen to allow for the surgery are worth the benefit for Trae. I hope we are given the okay to have the surgery because he really needs it. I am so thankful for the blessings of 2010. Both Jeff and I ended the year working full time and getting ahead instead of falling behind. The kids are all doing great and we are preparing for Miguel to start Kindergarten in the fall. Miguel is struggling a bit with his speech and letter sounds. He has an assessment in a couple of weeks and I am eager to see what the therapist says we should be working on. I know he will feel better when he can pronounce words and have others fully understand what he is saying. I worry about my kids and would do anything to make their lives easier. Maleena is doing fabulous. She is a bundle of attitude and heart. We all love her so much. We are all hoping for the best this year. Praying for many blessings to come to our family and to our friends. Heres to 2011!