Tuesday, November 16, 2010


For the last four days Maleena has been obsessed with swimming. More specifically her swim suit. She loves the darn thing. She asks to put it on when we put her in her pajamas and then it is a fight to get it off her in the morning. For a while it was her Dora jammies and now it is a swim suit. Should I be concerned about this for the future? She is quite particular for such a young age. I must not care too much because I could always hide the swim suit, but what fun would that be and she is so dang cute! Gotta love this little one.



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Unknown said...


I love your updates. I love watching your beautiful children as they grow and become unique individuals as well as watch you as a mother. I am loving the swimsuit thing....now I understand why I have seen kids in stores in capes and what not....what a great sense of self she has.

And the boys.....what awesome young men they are quickly growing into. I always have so much fin listening to them. I need to have Miguel over for cookie making soon.

Give them all a big squeeze from Aunt Tara.

Sharen said...

That is the cutest thing!! Little Maleena and her suit...that funny girl.