Saturday, June 5, 2010

Traeton's 7

What a delight for Traeton to have his first friend birthday party. He was so excited and it turned out pretty good. I was so nervous about it, but the kids liked the pizza and they had no problems entertaining eachother. We love you Trae and we are so happy that you are a part of our family. Can't believe it has been 7 years since I held my first born. You are remarkable and we are so proud to be your parents.



We were able to go the the fire station open house. The boys had the most fun getting to hold the hose. It was fun to see Miguel all dressed up. Trae didn't want to put on extra clothes, but Miguel really wants to be a fireman so he loved every minute of it. They even went into a room filled with smoke, to better get an idea of what it would be like to get out of your home if there was smoke in your room. It was interesting and quite scary actually.

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