Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Great Outdoors

We love Camping! Well, maybe the boys in my family love it just a bit more than I do. Jeff loves to be outdoors and of course Trae and Miguel can't get enough of it either.

I think I love the idea of being out in the woods. The reality is not always what I imagine the trip is going to be like. We always have a good time, but honestly, I don't like being hot, stinky, and surrounded by bugs. My sweet husband is trying, he really is.

Because Jeff had to get one of the biggest tents at the store, we no longer fit in any designated campgrounds, which doesn't bother him or my two little ones. Trae says we are "really" camping. But with "real" camping, comes the reality of no bathrooms, too. Jeff has worked out a plan for that, just like he always has some sort of plan. I have given up on the idea of a nice trailer, running water, a shower, toilet, bed. Jeff reminds me that we have most of those things right now, just in tent form. I love him-I do. Enough of my complaining-it is fun being out there, away from everyone else. Just me and my boys-

We had to have pizza the first night. Thanks Grandma Contreras for that tradition!!
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1 comment:

Sandy N said...

I have SO many memories of camping when we were all kids. Those are some of my favorite memories... Right up there with Christmas memories....
Love ya