Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More of Baby Maleena

The last week has been full of emotion for our family. We welcomed Maleena home last week and she has been such a blessing. She brightens our home and brings peace to our family. It is amazing the impact such a small baby has. The boys can not get enough of her, but they are always sweet and gentle around her. I know, it's only been a week, but they really do love her and I love watching them with her. Both love to sing to her and hold her. Trae loves to just lay next to her, touching her hair or kissing her on the cheek. He has been a great help with Miguel these last few days. It is also impressive how much your older kids grow up when you bring a new baby home. Miguel is handling it quite well. He has moments when he doesn't want to do things on his own, but he is adjusting.

Even more enjoyable than watching the boys has been seeing Jeff with Maleena. He is back in Utah this week, but there were times last week when I would walk into the room and he would be holding her. I would ask if she was crying and he would say no, we're just bonding. It is hard to explain any difference between his love for the boys and his love for Maleena, but something is different with a daughter. It seems as though it has softened him a bit. I am trying to get through the rough stage of nursing and sleeping and diaper changing. Atleast I can say one week down. It does get easier with each passing day. Overall we are doing great, we count our blessings and thank our Heavenly Father that we have a healthy baby. After she was born it took a long time for her color to change from purple to pink. They even took her away from me to work on getting her blood to circulate, she just wasn't crying or changing color. It seemed like forever, but finally she started turning red. Given that scary moment and then later the Doctor telling me he heard a clicking noise in her heart which turned out to be okay, I am grateful for the miracle of child birth and for all my healthy children.


Trae loves his sister!

A few minutes later, Trae even fell asleep-I don't know if that will ever happen again, but it was nice to have them all asleep at the same time.


How adorable is she?

We were all loving the head band-it's about time I get to put a bow in my baby's hair.
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